FAQs: Annual Client Survey

How did you get my email?

You provided your email address in the intake process with your local Florida SBDC when you completed the “SBDC Request for Consulting” form.

I don’t remember giving permission for my email to be used for surveys.

You may recall that you agreed to participate in evaluations like this when you completed our “SBDC Request for Consulting ” form.

Is my data anonymous?

While the data we collect is not anonymous, it is kept completely confidential. No results are reported out on an individual level, and all data are aggregated to a regional or statewide level. 

How will you use my data? 

We use the data in many ways:

  1. It is used internally to gather feedback about our services, which we use to continuously improve and refine our offerings. Our goal is to address Florida business owners’ and entrepreneurs’ needs, and survey research is one way to identify those needs.
  2. It helps us to demonstrate the value and economic impact of our services to funding agencies and partners – the support we depend upon in order to offer our consulting services at no cost.
    • We complete an annual report using some of this data.
    • We highlight the Florida SBDC Network’s economic impact to the state.
    • We communicate with legislators at the state and national level about the value we provide to our communities through district analysis.