Achieve Success In the Workplace By Unleashing Your Inner Entrepreneur

Achieve Success in the Workplace by Unleashing Your Inner EntrepreneuerThe entrepreneurial spirit doesn’t just apply to those who are starting businesses, it also applies to individuals inside organizations.

Creativity and innovation are key to business acumen when creating a culture of adaptability and growth. Leveraging the potential of an organization’s workforce adds value to organizational processes, employee satisfaction, and customer loyalty. A recent survey found that 93 percent of all working adults in the U.S. feel they possess some entrepreneurial qualities.

If your organization is trying to remain competitive, develop new products and services and fully engage the Millennial Generation workforce, join us at this workshop on August 4 at UWF Conference Center. The workshop is offered in partnership between the Center for Entrepreneurship and the Studer Community Institute.

Click here to listen to a recent Pensacola Business Radio segment featuring the Florida SBDC's Dr. Cheryl Kirby, Studer Community Institute Director of Professional Development Rachael Gillette, and UWF Center for Entrepreneurship Founding Director Rick Duke.