The Florida SBDC Network is a proud recipient of the 2016 President’s E Award for Export Service, the highest recognition any U.S. entity can receive for making a significant contribution to the expansion of U.S. exports.
Are you interested in growing your sales by finding customers in the global marketplace? Do you need assistance with importing and exporting products? Our experts can help develop your market readiness by facilitating connections to trade experts, international trade education and training.
Why Trade?
Florida’s strategic positioning and abundance of resources make it a prime location for trade. Ninety-five percent of the world’s population and more than 70 percent of the world’s purchasing power is outside the U.S. Research shows that more than 95% of exporters are small to medium-sized businesses that together produce two-thirds of Florida’s total export value. Statistics show that businesses expanding to international markets grow an average of 15% faster and are 12% more profitable.
Grant Opportunity Available for Eligible Businesses!

The Florida SBDC Network recently received a grant from the SBA through the State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) to assist small businesses with export development. Through awards to eligible businesses, the STEP program helps small businesses overcome obstacles to exporting by providing grants to cover costs associated with entering and expanding into international markets. Click here for more information, eligibility, and to apply.
International Trade Services
One-on-One Consulting
International Trade Specialists provide one-on-one consulting to help you:
- Understand the basics of international trade
- Determine which licenses are required
- Compile market research
- Understand country requirements for products
- Prepare an Export Marketing Plan
Featured Training
- Includes the Florida Export Series, International Trade Basics, and International Trade Certificate Program—one of a select number of NASBITE-accredited trade assistance programs in the world, and the only one in Florida.
Export Marketing Plan Services
- Assists qualified new-to-export manufacturers and service providers with overseas growth strategies through the development of customized Export Marketing Plans. Provided in partnership with SelectFlorida and the U.S. Commercial Services, the Export Marketing Plan includes:
- a thorough readiness assessment
- industry and market analysis with target market recommendations
- a review of overseas trade opportunities
- and an action plan that may include trade mission participation.
- The cost to prepare an Export Marketing Plan is $7,500. Qualifying companies are eligible for a $4,500 scholarship and a $2,500 STEP Grant, making the cost to your company $500.
- Apply Here for our Export Marketing Plan Services
- Learn more about our EMP services by downloading the flyer here.
Service Benefits
- Strategize with International Trade Specialists who are Certified Global Business Professionals by the National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators (NASBITE), the benchmark for competency in global commerce
- Determine key target markets
- Develop country launch strategies
- Connect with international buyers