Inspiration from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

On January 16th, our Nation will celebrate the life of one of the most respected leaders of our time who stood against inequalities: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King’s most important accomplishment took place in 1963 where he led over 200,000 people to the Lincoln Memorial overlooking the Washington Monument. It was there that Dr. King made his historic “I Have a Dream” speech. The march was a pivotal event that accelerated the passage of the Civil Rights Act, and the speech spoken with clarity and passion solidified the nation.

Inspiration from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Inspiration from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Florida SBDC NetworkThe Martin Luther King Jr. holiday celebrates the life and legacy of a man who brought hope and healing to America. But beyond this recognition, Dr. King’s messages can be used in business.

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

This quote rings true for any small business owner. In the beginning, you have an idea. You have a plan. But do you have the needed drive to take that leap of faith? It’s a question, and reality, all businesses owners struggle with. Especially, if you can’t see the “the whole staircase." Taking the first step is not only pivotable, it can set the pace of your business. And it’s why we’re here to help.

How to Get Started

Have an idea for a business?

  • We encourage you to first watch our Starting a Business Video Series, a collection of six short videos designed to provide a fundamental overview of what it takes to start a business.
  • Once you watch this series, we encourage you to attend a start-up workshop at a Florida SBDC in your area.  From how to determine feasibility and legal structure, to the type of licenses you will need, these classes cover the essentials to successful business ownership
  • After you've attended a workshop, next complete an online Request for Consulting. This form starts your relationship with the Florida SBDC Network. Once the form is submitted, you will be contacted by the Florida SBDC that serves your area to set up a no-cost consulting session.

There are numerous inspirational quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that can inspire anyone or any business. To view more quotes, click here. We wish you the best of luck in your business journey.

Source: Adapted from the Florida SBDC at FAMU